I love programming, and I've published a few apps for Apple devices.

I set out to make an essential pixel art app for iPad and iPhone. A classic impediment to creating pixel art is the slowness of a traditional cursor, and multi-touch drawing makes it a breeze.
SpritePixels launched in October 2023! I'm excited to tell people about the app and listen for feedback from users as I aim to refine it.

Days Alive
I measure my life primarily in days, so I decided to create an app for those who shared my enthusiasm for this method of reckoning. Days Alive was first released in 2011 as a free app for iPhone and iPad.
A decade later, Days Alive is still technically compatible with iPhone and iPad, and version 2.0.3 resolves a crash on launch that iOS 15 introduced. I was heartened to hear some people were still using an app released so long ago.

As far as I know, Pluck was the iPad's first high-quality harp app. It used game-like graphics and sound to illustrate precise tension and reverberation of the strings, and offered customization of the scale. Pluck was originally released in 2011.
Apple removed Pluck from the App Store for compatbility reasons in 2021.

HappyClock was a cool graphical display that used a particle generator to depict a display-filling digital or analog clock.
Apple removed HappyClock from the App Store for compatibility reasons in 2022.