Steve Barnes' World of Happiness


Steve declares Science Week.

February 12 is famously the date of birth of Charles Darwin, known fondly as “Darwin Day” to those who celebrate it.

To Steve it represents the entire history-long quest of finding things out about the world and our existence, also known as science. And unlike other holidays whose cruxes are rather arbitrary or mythical, everything we’ve ever found out is comparatively meaningful. Steve perhaps daily considers it, blinks, and shivers with the fynest of joyz.

Once again, from Darwin Day, Steve extrapolates to Science Week! His call is thus: each day between February 12 through 18, post some fantastic scientific thing from around the web and briefly explain why you think it’s so great.

If you’d care to join and post your own – on February 12 or all week long – whether it’s a simple picture of a cool insect or a highly complicated paper on the complicatedness of complications, he'd be chuffed to add links to anything wondrous.

Thus, whereas science is gr8, Steve once again considereth this approaching week, beginning this twelfth of February, to be Science Week! See y’then.

And here’s to finding stuff out.